Carrello della Spesa

Motherboard Replacement for Symbol MC32N0-R

Motherboard Replacement for Symbol MC32N0-R
Motherboard Replacement for Symbol MC32N0-R
  • Disponibilità: Disponibile
  • Codice prodotto: CYB-12548
US $44,90

Opzioni disponibili


Motherboard Replacement for Symbol MC32N0-R


Radio Option    
MC32Nx-xxxxxxxxx    N    WLAN 802.11 a/b/g/n

MC32x0-xxxxxxxxx    0    None

Form Factor    
MC32xx-Rxxxxxxxx    R    Rotating (Turret) Head
MC32xx-Sxxxxxxxx    S    Straight Shooter
MC32xx-Gxxxxxxxx    G    Gun

Data Capture options (Scanner)    
MC32xx-xLxxxxxxx    L    SE965 1D Standard Range Scan Engine
MC32xx-xIxxxxxxx    I    SE4750 Standard Range Array Imager
MC32xx-xFxxxxxxx    F    SE4750 Medium Range

Keyboard Options    
MC32xx-xx2xxxxxx    2    28 Key Numeric Keypad
MC32xx-xx3xxxxxx    3    38 Key Shifted Alpha Keypad
MC32xx-xx4xxxxxx    4    48 Key Alpha Numeric Keypad

Battery Options    
MC32xx-RxxSxxxxx    S    Standard capacity 2740mAH (only with Rotating Head)
MC32xx-xxxHxxxxx    H    High capacity 4800mAH

Operating System options
MC32xx-xxxxCxxxx    C    Microsoft Windows CE 7.0
MC32xx-xxxxAxxxx    A    Android 4.1 Jelly Bean with Mx (only in Premium Model)

Memory Options    
MC32xx-xxxxxLxxx    L    512 MB RAM / 2 GB Flash (Standard Model)
MC32xx-xxxxxHxxx    H    1 GB RAM / 4 GB Flash (Premium Model only)

Operating System Language    
MC32xx-xxxxxxXxx    E,C,J,K    English, Simplified Chinese, Japanese, Korean

Additional Features
MC32xx-xxxxxxx0x    0    None
MC32xx-xxxxxxxIx    I    Interactive Sensing Technology (IST) (Only in Premium Models)

Country or Custom Code    
MC32x-xxxxxxxxA    A    World Wide ROHS
MC32xx-xxxxxxxxTN    TN    Tunisia


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