
Motherboard Replacement fot Honeywell LXE VX8

Motherboard Replacement fot Honeywell LXE VX8
Motherboard Replacement fot Honeywell LXE VX8
  • Verfügbarkeit: Auf Lager
  • Produktcode: Honeywell-Motherboard-34
US $14,90
+ Warenkorb

Motherboard Replacement fot Honeywell LXE VX8

Part Number: 1636151A01710S00261

Product Configuration Matrix - LXE VX8

Base (CPU & I/O) Options - V X 8 B (X) x x x x x x x x x x x    
7    VX8B Base system, Atom 1.6GHz, Single RAM mount back
8    VX8B Base system, Atom 1.6GHz, Dual RAM mount back
9    VX8B Base system, Core 2 Duo 1.5GHz, Single RAM mount back
A     VX8B Base system, Core 2 Duo 1.5GHz, Dual RAM mount back

RAM & HDD Options - V X 8 B x (X) x x x x x x x x x x    
G     1GB / 2GB Flash (Windows Embedded Standard only)
L     1GB / 8GB Flash
I     1GB / 16GB Flash
K     1GB / 60GB HDD
M     2GB / 2GB Flash (Windows Embedded Standard only)
N     2GB / 8GB Flash
O     2GB / 16GB Flash
P     2GB / 60GB HDD

Display Options - V X 8 B x x (X) x x x x x x x x x    
1    Color SVGA 10.4 LED backlit display with hardened touchscreen
2    Color SVGA 10.4 LED backlit display with defroster touchscreen

Keyboard Options - V X 8 B x x x (X) x x x x x x x x    
A     No Keyboard

Radio Options - V X 8 B x x x x (X) x x x x x x x    
0    Batch - No Radio
2    802.11a/b/g (2.4GHz & 5GHz)
4    802.11a/b/g (2.4GHz & 5GHz) + Bluetooth
6    802.11a/b/g (2.4GHz & 5GHz) + WWAN GSM/GPRS
8    802.11a/b/g (2.4GHz & 5GHz) + WWAN GSM/GPRS + Bluetooth
9    Batch - No Radio + Cardbus adapter
B     802.11a/b/g (2.4GHz & 5GHz) + Cardbus adapter
D     802.11a/b/g (2.4GHz & 5GHz) + Bluetooth + Cardbus adapter

Antenna Options - V X 8 B x x x x x (X) x x x x x x    
A     No Antenna
F     Dual external - 802.11a/b/g antennas

OS & Language Options - V X 8 B x x x x x x (X) x x x x x    
0    No OS load
2    Windows XP Pro with SP3 MUI
4    Windows Embedded Standard 2009 (WES)

Application Options - V X 8 B x x x x x x x (X) x x x x    
A     No Application
B     RFTerm TE
D     Freefloat TE

Accessories - V X 8 B x x x x x x x x (X) x x x    
0    No Accessories

Custom Options - V X 8 B x x x x x x x x x (X) x x    
A     No Custom Option
B     Soft Keyboard - Full US Desktop style
C     Soft Keyboard - Full French Desktop style
D     Soft Keyboard - Full Swedish Desktop Style
E     Soft Keyboard - Full Norwegian Desktop Style
F     Soft Keyboard - Alpha Numeric + 12 Function key, Swedish
G     Soft Keyboard - Alpha Numeric + 9 Function, US
H     Soft Keyboard - Alpha Numeric + 0 Function keys, Polish
I     Soft Keyboard - Alpha Numeric + 24 Function key, German
J     Soft Keyboard - Alpha + 12 Function Swedish style

Country Code - V X 8 B x x x x x x x x x x (X X)    
ET     ETSI Country Approvals
US     United States
AU     Australia
CA     Canada
CL     Chile
CO     Colombia
CR     Costa Rica
CY     Cyprus
GT     Guatemala
IS     Iceland
JM     Jamaica
NZ     New Zealand
PA     Panama
PE     Peru
PH     Philippines
PL     Poland
PR     Puerto Rico
ES     Spain
UY     Uruguay
VE     Venezuela
VN     Vietnam

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